SAS-178 (RWS) Defence Investment Portfolio Decision-Making and Analysis Support

Tuesday, 12. September 2023 until Thursday, 14. September 2023

The NATO S&T Collaboration Support Office and the Systems Analysis and Studies (SAS) Panel

are pleased to announce

SAS-178 Research Workshop 


"Defence Investment Portfolio Decision-Making and Analysis Support

to be held in Oberammergau, Germany

12-14 September 2023.

The Research Workshop is open to citizens from: NATO Nations/Bodies and Australia, Japan and Sweden.  

This workshop will consist of facilitated conversation among and between decision-makers (OF-5, OF-6, or civilian equivalent, with responsibility for major military investment portfolios) and portfolio analysts and feature keynote speakers on emerging technology with potential to transform portfolio decision making. Break-out sessions will be held under the “Chatham House Rule” to facilitate transparent and open dialogue with other decisionmakers and analysts.

Keynote Speakers:

Michael Payne, 3-star equivalent portfolio decision maker as the Principal Deputy Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation in the Office of the US Secretary of Defence and former analyst.

Stephan de Spiegeleire, Principal Scientist at the Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, a prolific author on defence and security, speaking on AI and Analytical Support to Defence Capital Investment Prioritization. 

Jan Kwakkel, Professor at Delft University of Technology, a leading practitioner and President of the Society for Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU) on DMDU and Investment Portfolio Decision-Making. 

Conversations will address the challenges, risks, and opportunities for analytically supported portfolio decision-making. The Programme Committee will collect best practices for decision processes and the information support needs of good decision-making and highlight the strengths of different approaches to overcoming these challenges. Guest speakers will present new and emerging DCIP techniques and how NATO STO can better support DCIP practices within NATO.

Workshop seating is limited and several decision-makers and several senior analysts have already registered. All wishing to attend are asked to provide information about present responsibilities and past roles in DCIP decision making. These will inform program committee decisions regarding workshop participation.

Registration for this event is closed.

If you already created an account on the STO Events site in the past you can login with the same credentials. If it is your first time to use the STO Events site you will have to sign up first. Please note that these credentials are NOT the same as for Science Connect. We recommend to register your company or governmental email address when creating your STO Events account. 

When your registration is accepted by the Programme Committee, and you are logged in to STO Events, you will be able to access the General Information Package that has appeared on this meeting announcement. This document provides you all information needed to make your travel arrangements. 

Registration end


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