AVT-394-RSM on Water sampling, monitoring and control/remediation for live-fire military ranges

Monday, 14. October 2024 until Wednesday, 16. October 2024 08:00 - 12:30

The NATO STO Collaboration Support Office and the Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT) Panel will hold a Research Specialists' Meeting on "Water sampling, monitoring and control/remediation for live-fire military ranges". The in-person meeting will be held in Koblenz, Germany from 14 - 16 October 2024. 

The meeting is open to citizens from NATO Nations, Enhanced Opportunity Partner (EOP) Nations and Partnership for Peace (PfP) Nations. Please note that this is an in-person only event (hybrid/virtual attendance is not possible).

This registration is for individuals who are attending the AVT-394 Research Specialists' Meeting held in conjunction with the 54th AVT Panel Business Meeting.   

The registration deadline is 06 September 2024.


This meeting aims to promote the exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge among an audience of specialists and invited speakers on military live-fire range sustainability. It will bring together experts in the field of water sampling and monitoring strategies as well as specialists with experience in remediation or control techniques. 

The primary objective of the RSM will be to exchange information and discuss current practices and research on the topics of water sampling, monitoring and remediation techniques concerning munition’s constituents. Additionally, cold region challenges and climate resiliency, in the context of range contamination, will be discussed.

The relevant scientific topics addressed in this Research Specialists’ Meeting are located in the following research domains:

  • Water sampling and monitoring techniques
  • Surface water treatment and management
  • Groundwater and active source zone remediation and management
  • Hydraulic control measures to avoid off-site migration of contaminants
  • Emerging munitions constituents as contaminants in water
  • Cold region challenges and climate resiliency for range contamination

For more details about the event, please consult the meeting announcement.

 *The general information package (GIP) specifying the logistics, accommodation, travel, etc. will be visible and ready for download on this website after your registration has been validated by the AVT Panel Office. After validation, return to this page, log on with your credentials and download the GIP from the grey box below the Google Maps image. 

Registration end
Closing date
2024-09-07, 23:59


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